Training Seminars

CORROSION & CORROSION CONTROL: What the Civil & Environment Engineer Should Know

Free Informational Seminar

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This seminar will discuss the theory of corrosion from an electro-chemical standpoint and provide examples of the various types of corrosion from atmospheric exposure to buried and submerged environments. The theory of cathodic protection and how it works will be explained and examples of both galvanic and impressed current types of systems will be presented. Soils testing for corrosivity classification will also be discussed and shown how it ties into determining what steps are taken to prevent or mitigate actual or potential corrosion problems. Samples of sacrificial anode material will be brought to the seminar for demonstration along with samples of corrosion of various materials including carbon steel, ductile iron and copper. Lots of interesting case histories of corrosion problems will be presented. This will be an entertaining and educational seminar that will demonstrate to the participants that corrosion is not just a theoretical risk, but a real threat to underground utilities and structures everywhere.

This seminar can be set up at your facility or at our office in Concord, CA, whichever is most convenient for your company. Seminar lengths can vary from one hour to one full business day. To schedule a date for this interesting and informative seminar, please contact Darby Howard at

CORROSION & CORROSION CONTROL: What the Geotechnical Engineer Should Know

Free Informational Seminar

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JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. is offering a free seminar entitled “What the Geotechnical Engineer should know about Soil Testing and Corrosion” presented by Darby Howard, Jr., P.E., of JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. The theory of corrosion from an electro-chemical standpoint will be briefly described along with examples of the various types of corrosion. How corrosion is closely related to specific soil conditions will also be discussed. Case histories of projects throughout Northern California will be presented that demonstrate the widely varying soil conditions and their impact on structures and underground utilities. You will learn what soil parameters are important with respect to anticipating corrosion problems, how to work with an environmental laboratory and how to properly evaluate sites for corrosivity with respect to reinforced concrete foundations, pile-supported structures and underground pipelines, retaining walls and other types of structures.

This seminar can be set up at your facility or at our office in Concord, CA, whichever is most convenient for your company. Seminar lengths can vary from one hour to one full business day. To schedule a date for this interesting and informative seminar, please contact Darby Howard at