Delta Diablo Sanitation District
Pittsburg, CA
Contact: Mr. Greg Baatrup
Cathodic protection design services for a variety of structures at DDSD. Types of structures included influent pipelines, conveyance pipelines, pumping plants and many types of process pipelines located at the main treatment facility in Pittsburg. Services included conducting the soil resistivity surveys, performing all design calculations, preparation of installation drawings and technical specifications for both sacrificial and impressed current cathodic protection systems. Also, included inspection services during construction and final system checkout and adjustment.
Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facility
Las Vegas, NV
Contact: Mr. Matt Chapman
Corrosion evaluation of all major process structures including primary and secondary clarifiers, DAF tanks, influent pipelines, oxygen lines, nitrification facility, filter beds, trash racks, digesters and many types of process pipelines located underground. Our services have also included recommendations for coatings for use in many different types of structures as well as field inspection services for specified coating systems.
Fairfield Suisun Sanitation District
Fairfield, CA
Contact: Mr. Don Schmidt
Cathodic protection design services for all underground and submerged structures at the treatment facility located on Peabody Road in Fairfield, CA. Types of structures included clarifiers, DAF tanks, influent pipelines, oxygen lines and many types of process pipelines located underground. Services included conducting the soil resistivity survey, performing all design calculations, preparation of installation drawings and technical specifications for both sacrificial and impressed current cathodic protection systems. Also, included inspection services during construction and final system checkout and adjustment.
Sacramento Regional Water Pollution Control Agency
Elk Grove, CA
Contact: Mr. Doug Fredricks
Cathodic protection design for a wide variety of structures throughout the treatment facility. Services included corrosion rate studies for the digesters and digester gas piping systems as well as cathodic protection designs for process pipelines and structures throughout the facility. Design services included both sacrificial and impressed current cathodic protection systems. Inspection services during construction were also included as well as the final checkout and adjustment of the systems.
San Jose Wastewater Treatment Facility
San Jose, CA
Contact: Mr. Ravi Kachhapati
Conducted a corrosion evaluation of the floating roofs in two of the digesters located at this facility. Our services on these projects included the use of B-scan technology for the ultrasonic thickness testing on the bottoms of the floating roofs.