Wastewater Pipeline Projects

Las Vegas Regional Water Pollution Control Facility

Project: Condition Assessment of Various Structures And Cathodic Protection Systems
Corrosion evaluation of all major process structures including primary and secondary clarifiers, DAF tanks, influent pipelines, oxygen lines, nitrification facility, filter beds, trash racks, digesters and many types of process pipelines located underground. Our services have also included recommendations for coatings for use in many different types of structures as well as field inspection services for specified coating systems.



Union Sanitary District

Project: Condition Assessment of Various Structures
Conducted an overall condition assessment of various structures comprising the Alvarado Wastewater Treatment Plant. This inspection included the sludge thickeners, primary and secondary clarifiers, aeration basins, digesters, RAS pump area, MLSS Pipeline and the Newark Pump Station.



Delta Diablo Sanitation District

Project: Inspect Internal Coating System for Export Pipeline
Cathodic protection design, monitoring and maintenance services for all DDSD cathodic protection systems since 1995. Types of structures include influent pipelines, conveyance pipelines, pumping plants and many types of process pipelines located at the main treatment facility in Pittsburg. Services included surveying and adjusting cathodic protection systems for both sacrificial and impressed current type systems for both conveyance pipelines and treatment plant structures. Also, included repair and replacement of cathodic protection systems found not to be in working order.
All test stations and other cathodic protection system components are currently being provided with GPS coordinates by JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. field personnel.




Project: Inspect Interior of Influent Diversion Structure
Our firm conducted a visual inspection of the interior of the old influent diversion structure on Friday, May 23, 2003. At the time of our inspection, the flow through the 87” main influent pipeline had been bypassed and therefore there was no flow in this pipeline. There was also no flow coming in from the 24” diameter pipeline located on the southwest wall of the chamber. The flows to the two 39” pipelines, reportedly could not be shut off, therefore, the inspection was conducted between the hours of 4 am to 5:30 am in the morning, which are the reported low flow times for these pipelines. During the time of our inspection there was no flow coming in from the 39” diameter pipeline in the southwest side of the chamber and about 3 to 4 inches coming in from the 39” diameter pipeline entering on the southeast side of the chamber.




Project: Inspect Internal Coating System for Export Pipeline
Our firm conducted a failure evaluation of a 24” mortar-coated steel pipeline for CCCSD. During our investigation we noticed that a 4” appurtenance on the mortar-coated steel pipeline was never covered with mortar. Upon further inspection it was found that the carbon steel nuts on the flange bolts for this appurtenance had failed as a result of galvanic corrosion caused by the failure to coat this appurtenance in mortar.